FSC® and PEFC Certificates

For SOIC Global Trading, sustainable forestry is very important. This is the reason we have chosen to certify our business both with FSC and PEFC.

FSC® - Forest Stewardship Council®

The future of forests is in our hands

By choosing our FSC® certified (FSC-C185021) products, you are supporting responsible management of the world’s forests. FSC® is a non-profit organization acting for responsible forest management, both environmentally and socially. For more information please visit www.fsc.org.

Download our FSC® Certificate

PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

Responsible Packaging

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization which promotes sustainable forest management through independent third party certification.

Download our PEFC Certificate

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